Back in the earlier (read: lighter) days, I carried Baby Spawn in a linen ring sling or a stretchy wrap. The ring sling (rs) was very light and [Read More]
Babywearing Terms: Soft Structured Carriers
There are many brands of carriers, sling and wraps out there. I haven't heard of some brands but I'm also a newbie so there's that. This list is [Read More]
Babywearing Giveaways Happening
Are you following babywearing brands on social media? Here are a few giveaways that are happening in the social realm. Do your due diligence - [Read More]
Babywearing Swag: Support So-Cal Babywearers
Support So-Cal Babywearers When I was a newly crowned mom (haha), I felt very isolated. It felt like the first three months of Spawn's life was [Read More]
Babywearing Terms: Types of Carriers
Babywearing Terms: Types of Carriers When you're new to babywearing like I was, you may think there are only a couple types of [Read More]