We want YOU to share your stories with us and the world! Increase the visibility of babywearing and help another mama (or dada) out with your story(ies)!
Was there a funny story that happened when you wore your baby for the first time?
What was your first carrier? Did you get it through a buy/sell/trade group? Did you inherit it from another wearer?
Are you a wrapper through and through? Did you convert a devout stroller user to a babywearer?
Tell us your stories! Share the love!
Send us a photo of you babywearing your little one! We’d love to feature you on our blog and social media!
Use this link: http://goo.gl/forms/Ddh0qE7mjx or fill in the form below!
Thank you!
Featured Babywearer: We Want YOU!
** By filling out this form, you are giving us permission to reprint your responses on this blog and social media outlets. Please only send photos of yourself (and little one).